After the module shift took place, we were able to more adequately maximize the roof area available for solar panels. As seen below, the roof of each module has a solar array consisting of a 12 photovoltaic module units in a 3 x 4 grid. Then attached to the façade of each module there are an additional 4 photovoltaic module for a total of 48 photovoltaic module units to power the house and the electric car.
South Elevation showing the Solar Array
Performance and transportation where the two main drivers behind the design of the solar arrays. The solution to both these issues came when we decided to hinge each group of panels. The 12 units on the roof fold down on top of the roof for ease of transportation while the 4 units on the south façade fold inward against the façade during transport. This hinging will help protect the panels during the trip to
Conceptual Design of Hinged Solar Arrays