Construction Progress: Week of Feb 25

Construction this week has been progressing slowly but steadily. With the kitchen module framed, sheathing began on the interior and the module’s space is really coming into form. Work has also begun on the last module, the living module. Framing for the walls is coming along and should be completed by next week.

As for the panoramic window questions which have been arising; details have been worked out. If this has been unclear in the plans shown thus far, there will be two corner “panoramic” windows in the living module. One window faces northeast while the other faces northwest.

The framing for these windows should begin by the end of the week or early next week. However, based on the construction details described this week, the framing for one of the corners should resemble something like this sketch:

Sketch of "panoramic" window from interior looking northwest

Construction the week of March 11th should result in the full framing of the living module. Hopefully then there will be an actual photograph of this detail. Perhaps by the end of the week of March 11th there will also be a photograph of the three modules sitting side-by-side.